En la edición del día 16 del pasado mes de abril, la revista Fairplay publica una breve entrevista realizada a Miguel Pardo, presidente del CME, titulada «Confianza en el nuevo clúster».

En dicha entrevista, cuyo contenido íntegro se ofrece a continuación, Pardo subraya la importancia que tendrá para el sector marítimo español el que España presida la UE en 2010, para lo que asegura será preciso aumentar el conocimiento y el prestigio internacional del CME.

Asimismo, el presidente subrayó la importancia para el sector de los programas tanto de formación como aquellos destinados a incrementar la concienciación entre los escolares por la industria marítima y su contribución a la vida nacional.

Confidence in new cluster

SPAIN is raising its international maritime profile ahead of taking on the EU presidency
in May 2010. Miguel Pardo Bustillo, the new chairman of the umbrella organization Spanish Maritime Cluster, is unveiling plans for new programmes targeting training and technological innovation.

Pardo, a naval architect and former fleet manager at Spanish energy giant Repsol YPF, will also raise awareness of the maritime sector among school children to emphasize the importance of the industry and its contribution to national life. Shipping contributes 3.2% to the country’s GDP and employs 450,000 directly and more than 1M indirectly.

The 40-member cluster aims to counter the traditional reluctance to seek employment
opportunities in other parts of the country; lack of mobility has damaged Spain’s  competitive position.

Pardo was elected last September and sees his immediate task as consolidating the  cluster’s members, and developing the organisation into a recognised maritime industry platform where individuals and companies can seek advice, business opportunities and new ideas.

As well as reducing costs for business operations, the cluster ultimately wants to become a powerful lobby group to defend the interests of the maritime sector at both national and European level.

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