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Fecha - 24/03/2013 - 27/03/2013
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The Gastech 2014 conference programme taking place from 24th – 27th March 2014 at KINTEX in Seoul, South Korea has been released and offers you significant new Commercial and Technical papers published to connect with the growing urgency for Gas and LNG demand in Asia.

All the paper titles can be viewed at http://www.gastechkorea.com/programme

You are invited to attend as a delegate and choose the papers that will provide you with a wealth of investment opportunities most relevant for your gas supply chain.

Original Commercial & Technical Presentations Include:
– Prelude Floating LNG Project: The Latest Project Developments & Updates to the Industry, Alain Poincheval, Technip
– The Role of Russian Gas and LNG in Asia-Pacific Markets by the 2020s, Professor Jonathan Stern, Oxford Institute of Energy Studies
– North America’s Role in Supplying LNG to Asia, Randy Selin, ExxonMobil
– Pacific LNG Supply Sufficiency – How Can Asia Achieve This?, Gavin Thompson, Wood Mackenzie
– LNG Pricing: Oil Linked or Non-Oil Linked Price Indexing?, Paramate Hoisungwan, PTT International
– Risk Assessment for LNG Vessel Transit in an Expanded Panama Canal, Tamunoiyala Koko, Lloyd’s Register

Register your delegate place today for the special autumn rate of £2999 at http://www.gastechkorea.com/delegate

The 70 strongest ground-breaking new project presentations have been selected by the Gastech Governing Body from over 500 submissions made by the international gas community and will allow you direct access to the projects, plans and ambitions that will help drive economic growth in the region.

Re-cap on the paper titles and download your copy of the conference brochure at http://www.gastechkorea.com/download

For all conference enquiries including further questions on the programme and how to register, contact the registration team on marketing@gastech.co.uk or call +44 (0) 203 615 1368.
I look forward to meeting you next year.


Gavin Sutcliffe

Head of Conference Content